Jesus Reigns at MKS!
COVID-19 Messages & News from MKS
6/18/20 – COVID–19 2020 Summer Session Policies and Procedures
Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, My King Studio enacts the following Policies and Procedures for the 2020 Summer Session based on recommendations and directives from local, state, and federal authorities, including the CDC and other health leaders. Capacity – Due to...

5/4/20 Email Update – Zoom Classes Start Tonight!
5/4/20 EMAIL UPDATE - Zoom Classes Start Tonight! Dear MKS Dancers & Families, Click here for a quick ~2 minute video update - https://youtu.be/pzqAIQIC9i4 Highlights from the video: Zoom Classes begin tonight, and it is Costume Week! Please see your email for...

5/2/20 Email – MKS May 2020 Zoom Class Info
EMAIL for MKS Families - MKS May 2020 Zoom Class Info - Starts Monday 5/4 & WEEK 1 is Costume Week! Dear MKS Dancers & Families, We are so excited to begin dancing with our students in real time once again! We will meet on Zoom for 4 weeks beginning the week...

4/28/20 Email Update & Heart-to-Heart with Ms. Michelle
4/28/20 EMAIL UPDATE - Heart-to-Heart with Ms. Michelle & Upcoming Events... Good afternoon MKS Students & Families, Click this link for a quick update and Heart-to-Heart message from Ms. Michelle - https://youtu.be/_9eSKSnY2Gk A lot of information has been...

4/22/20 Email Update for all 19-20 Families
4/22/20 EMAIL – UPDATE for all 19-20 MKS Families Dear MKS Students & Families, Please watch this short video for this week's update - https://youtu.be/ZB3I_HC0mQI VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS and OTHER NEWS: ALL ORIGINALLY SCHEDULED MKS DANCE CONCERT DATES ARE BEING...

4/22/20 Email – COSTUME HAND OUT DAY This Sun 4/26!
4/22/20 EMAIL – COSTUME HAND OUT DAY This Sun 4/26! Dear MKS Students & Families, My family and I spent this past weekend preparing the costumes for pick up and determining a new procedure for this year's unique circumstances. We are looking at the weather as we...

4/15/20 Email – A Call To Move Forward in Faith with MKS
4/15/20 EMAIL - A Call to Move Forward in Faith with MKS Dear MKS Students and Families, We know that so many families are dealing with a wide variety of life situations and needs right now. We are making decisions with limited knowledge of the future and doing our...

4/14/20 Email Update for all 19-20 Families
4/14/20 EMAIL Update for all 19-20 MKS Families - Dance Concert Update & Zoom Meetings Dear MKS Families & Students, Please watch this 2 min. video for an UPDATE – https://youtu.be/mpK4w_Sxw8Y VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS: Tentative new DANCE CONCERT format - The quick...

4/6/20 Email Update for all 19-20 Families
4/6/20 EMAIL Update for all 19-20 MKS Families Dear MKS Families & Students, Please watch this < 4 min. video for an UPDATE - https://youtu.be/cJEOBxCzPQc VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS: BAND - We hope that everyone is doing well with practicing dances and starting the April...

4/1/20 Email Update for all 19-20 Families
4/1/20 EMAIL – UPDATE for all 19-20 MKS Families Dear MKS Families & Students, We pray that this update finds your family healthy and well! MKS APRIL VERSE OF THE MONTH - ENDURE "For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow."...

3/27/20 Email MKS Extended Building Closure & Upcoming April Lessons!
3/27/20 EMAIL to 19-20 MKS Families - MKS Extended Building Closure & Upcoming April Lessons! Dear MKS Families & Dancers, STUDIO UPDATE We sure miss dancing with you in the studio - we miss your smiling faces, watching you grow, and connecting with families! ...

3/25/20 Email April Tuition & Delayed VIP Early Enrollment
3/25/20 EMAIL – April Tuition Info & Delayed VIP 2020-21 Early Enrollment Dear MKS Families, THANK YOU! It continues to be a wild ride of uncertainty, hope, prayers, and trusting in God's plan. We are so thankful to be in community with YOU during this time. ...

3/23/20 Email BAND Invites for all 19-20 Families
3/20/20 EMAIL – BAND Invites for all 19-20 MKS Families Good morning MKS Dancers and Families! We are missing you all so much & are excited to finally dance with you this week! We hope this email finds everyone healthy and safe. We have been praying for you all!...

3/20/20 Email Update for all 19-20 Families
3/20/20 EMAIL - UPDATE for all 19-20 MKS Families Dear MKS Families & Students, Please watch this < 3 min. video for an UPDATE - https://youtu.be/XOflqt9YI7o VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS: We miss you ALL very much! We have been preparing the BANDs & Instructors have...

3/18/20 Facebook Post
MKS is Closed for In-Studio Classes now through April 3. MKS Families – please see your email for more information. We are preparing online class options! We are also praying for all of our families and students and are looking forward to connecting online soon!...

3/16/20 Email to All MKS 19-20 Families
Mon 3/16/20 – EMAIL to all 19-20 Families: MKS Conversion to Online Education Today, Mon 3/16 - Fri 4/3 & other News Dear MKS Families & Students, It is surreal to be sitting here preparing this message to you in light of how quickly so much in our world has...

3/14/20 Facebook Post
For our Saturday morning Dancers & Families - In an attempt to be wise and proactive about prevention, we will be closed this morning, Sat 3/14/20. More information will be available to all of our families early next week.

3/14/20 Email to MKS 19-20 Saturday Morning Families
Sat 3/14/20 – EMAIL to 19-20 Saturday Morning Families: MKS Classes CANCELLED this morning, Sat 3/14/20 Dear MKS Saturday Dancers & Families, In an attempt to be wise and proactive about prevention, we will be closed this morning, Sat 3/14/20. This is a...

3/13/20 Email to All MKS 19-20 Families
Fri 3/13/20 – EMAIL to all 19-20 Families: MKS COVID-19 Update & CHANGED Spring/Easter Break Dates Dear MKS Families & Students, With the COVID-19 situation rapidly changing, we want to make sure our dance families are informed and updated. RIGHT NOW... At...