Jesus Reigns at MKS!
Contact Us & Directions
My King Studio of Dance
2140 Bryan Valley Commercial Drive
O’Fallon, MO 63366
Phone: 636.978.3321
Email: [email protected]
PLEASE NOTE: Some navigational apps will have a hard time taking you directly to us – please see the directions below.
From Hwy. 70
* From Hwy. 70, take the Bryan Road Exit.
* Go South off the exit about ½ mile.
* Turn Right into the brick plaza just past the (new in 2017) O’Fallon Justice Center.
* Follow the road back – we are in a free-standing building in the back of the plaza.
From Hwy. 40
* From Hwy. 40, take the Winghaven Blvd. Exit.
* Go North off the exit.
* You will stay on this road as it turns into Bryan Rd. where it meets South Outer 364.
* Turn Left into the brick Bryan Valley plaza just past Bryan Valley Subdivision.
* Follow the road back – we are in a free-standing building in the back of the plaza.