Dance Concert – Stress or Joy?

Each year around this time, we enter a season of focused preparation for the Dance Concert.  Although we started planning well over a year ago, we kick things into high gear during the late Winter.  Winter sometimes brings with it a sense of drudgery – being cooped up inside, the cold, gloomy days, etc.

But just as with the coming of Spring, the anticipation of the Concert brings excitement and the wonder about what God will do when He shows up for our worshipful concerts that busy weekend!  It is tempting to be stressed about all of the details…
– Costumes, Hair & Make-up
– Teaching, Learning, Cleaning Routines
– Organizing Schedules
– Volunteers for the Dancers and Backstage
– Making arrangements with the venue

…and the list goes on.  (and on.)
And yet, when I work through all of the tiniest details, day by day, I am encouraged when I imagine what God can do through the work everyone is putting forth – Parents, Families, Dancers, Teachers, Front Desk Staff, Volunteers, Stage Crew, etc.  I am excited, not stressed.  For the last 12 years, God has shown up and made His name known at our concerts, sometimes in tangible ways and other times in ways that I am sure I will not even know about until I reach heaven.

Every bit of work that is done in preparation is done with forethought, wisdom from experience (a lot of hard lessons, with more to come, I’m sure!), love, desire to serve all who will be there the weekend of June 6 & 7, and hopefully JOY (Jesus-first, Others-second, Yourself – third)!

Please add us to your prayer list during this season.  We so appreciate the prayers that are lifted up for everyone here at MKS!  We hope that all of our students, families & staff will have joy and peace as we navigate through all of the preparations.
