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Jesus Reigns at MKS!

Shoeman Info

MKS is proud to be a drop-off site for Shoeman Water Projects!

“Shoeman Water Projects’ main focus is to provide clean water in communities in developing countries. We have generated revenue to fund these water projects by collecting new and gently used shoes. Our shoe collection efforts improve our planet by keeping wearable, usable shoes out of local landfills and directing them to a secondary market for reuse both locally and globally.”

You can make a difference with a few pairs of shoes:

“Think about your own life. How successful would you or your family have been if you had lived in a place where there was no clean water and one-quarter of all children died before their fifth birthday…What if you had lived where you couldn’t go to school because you had to fetch water six hours a day…These are the daily realities of the world’s poor. No matter how hard they work, how gifted and talented they are, or how big their dreams, the poor have few choices and even fewer opportunities to fulfill their God-given potential.”

Richard Stearns, The Hole in Our Gospel.

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