Best Dance Classes in O'Fallon are at MKS!



Jesus Reigns at MKS!

GUIDING LIGHTS – MKS Assistant & Apprentice Program


We are looking for our MKS talented dancers who are also seen as exceptional role models at the studio.  We are excited to announce a new MKS Assistant and Apprenticeship Program, GUIDING LIGHTS!  

As you may know, we have many instructors on staff who are MKS Alumni, and we are proud of their accomplishments now in their teaching positions.  Because we want to begin fostering that leadership and training in our community at an even earlier age, we have been praying about an assistant program for the last few years.  God is now opening those doors, and YOU are invited!

“Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever.” Daniel 12:3

PROGRAM PURPOSE based on MKS Mission & Core Values

Mission: FAITH | DANCE | LIFE            

Train up potential MKS Instructors of the future, and we know that God will use all that the dancers learn wherever He leads them. 

            Core Values:

  • LEADING with PURPOSE – Servant Leadership development   TRAIN instead of teach
  • INSPIRING with JOY – Creating an Inspiring space
  • GUIDING with WISDOM – Seeking God for direction
  • HELPING with COMPASSION – Learning to work with all types of people
  • TEACHING with EXCELLENCE – Commitment to others
  • SERVING with RESPECT – Time Management & Organization


Assistants will:

  • Take Roll
  • Help with Dress Code items such as clothing, shoes, hair, etc.
  • Demonstrate skills full out
  • Be assigned to 1-2 classes
  • DRESS CODE: Follow class dress code

Apprentices will:

  • Continue assistant roles
  • Receive Classroom Training in Teaching Skills & Classroom Management
  • Assist with Lesson Planning
  • Assist with Dance Concert Choreography
  • Be assigned to 1-3 classes
  • DRESS CODE: MKS Apprentice Tee & Black Leggings or Dance Pants




  • At least 1 year as an MKS student
  • 6th grade or higher
  • 11 years old or older
  • IGNITE 2 level or higher
  • Demonstrates MKS Core Values
  • Completes Assistant application
  • $50 1-time annual Assistant fee


  • 1+ year as an MKS Assistant
  • 14 years old or older
  • GLOW 2 level or higher
  • Displays qualities of a servant leader
  • Completes Apprenticeship application & interview process
  • 2nd year apprentices: potential sub opportunities
  • $125 1-time annual Apprentice fee


  • Leadership Development – (2) Assistant/Apprentice Trainings and a 1-on-1 feedback meeting for Apprentices
  • Assistant & Apprentice Party
  • Acknowledgement in the Dance Concert
  • Experience to add to your Resumé & Job References

Please complete the following interest form if you are interested!

Feel free to email [email protected] or call 636-978-3321 if you have any questions! 

Jesus Reigns!  Michelle Revelle, Shayla Roma & the MKS Front Desk Team