Jesus Reigns at MKS!
Christian Dance Recital Backdrops
Steps to Our King - Call 636-300-9695
We focused on the Romans Road to Salvation from Romans 9: Ask, Believe, Repent, Receive – $250 OBO

This backdrop does not include the white curtain, just the 5 signs, which are sheets of 1/4′ plywood, covered with purple vinyl and white vinyl letters. Each one is approximately 6′ x 3′

Praise - Call 636-300-9695
1/4″ plywood cut with a jigsaw and painted with dark purple paint with glitter, then clearcoated. The ‘p’ is about 8′ tall and 5′ wide. The whole thing is about 20′ wide. – $500 OBO

We lowered the backdrop and did a shadow dance behind the word during the finale because we had used the word with dancers with arms raised as the logo for the year on the t-shirts and such
Fruit of the Spirit - Call 636-300-9695
1/4″ lightweight signboard covered with various colors of lettered adhesive vinyl. Each sheet is about 4×8, so it ends up being 15′ tall x 27′ wide. The Fruits of the spirit are Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness & Self-Control. $500 OBO

Shine - Call 636-300-9695
This is an amazing sign. It is a 4 inch deep recessed and backlit sign. All the letters are jigsawn, and some of the stars are jigsawed also to allow light through. It is massive. It weighs about 400 lbs and is about 26′ wide by 8′ tall. Each letter is a self-contained box and they just screw together. There is a plug running out the back of each one and the lights are made of ropelight. It is dimmable. $2500 OBO

Butterfly – Call 636-300-9695
This is an amazing sign. It is a 4 inch deep backlit sign. The shape was jigsawn, and then a stencil was painted on for texture. It is massive. It weighs about 350 lbs and is about 25′ wide by 20′ tall. It is basically a puzzle that screws together. The included lights are made of LED ropelight. It is dimmable. The photos are not photoshopped at all–the one has just an empty stage and the only lights are the backlights shining on the cyc. $2000 OBO

Prayer - Call 636-300-9695
This sign is made of 1/4′ plywood with 1-by bracing on the back. The shape was jigsawn, and then different stains were applied for texture. It weighs about 120 lbs and is about 25′ wide by 7′ tall. The photos are not photoshopped at all. $850 OBO

Unity – Call 636-300-9695
This is a 4 inch deep wooden sign. The shape was jigsawn, it has 1×4 bracing on the back. It weighs about 200 lbs and is about 25′ wide by 8′ tall. The photos are not photoshopped at all. $1000 OBO

See some details about the making of these signs at: https://mykingstudio.com/2014/05/dance-dad-uses-woodworking-recitals/