It is interesting to me is that, year after year, people are surprised at the appropriate, yet in-style costumes our students wear, the variety of good music, and the technical ability and talent that our dancers show at the dance concerts.  A large part of our mission is to teach dancers to share their gifts while using appropriate music, movement & costumes.  When I say that, I think many people imagine dancers wearing dresses as big as tablecloths and dancing to “Kum Ba Yah.”  Not that that would be terrible, but I feel like we do a good job of keeping everything God-honoring while still being fun and not out-dated.

I also want to be sure to say something meaningful with each song and dance.  I have seen performances that show beautiful talent and athleticism but express nothing to my soul.  I feel like these can be missed opportunities for those artists to share something meaningful to their audience.  I have seen performances that express something negative or degrading.  These are sad moments.  I hope that our students learn that their dancing gives voice to their souls and that they use that voice with integrity & joy.

Jesus is the living water, the ultimate refreshment – when we express ourselves within His will, the result is refreshing for us and for those who see it.

So, express yourself – your hurts, your happiness, your anger, your silliness, your love, your prayers, your praise, your worries, your hopes.  God has created you to speak with your whole self, and we pray that you will use this voice with responsibility.

It will be refreshing!
